Mijn ABDL verhaal (waargebeurd)

Gepubliceerd in een Amerikaans interview daarom is het in het Engels❤

My ABDL Story
Hi I’m Maxx, I was born in 2001 and i live in the Netherlands. I’m an only child and i live with my mom and dad who are still together.
It all started right after my parents potty trained me at the age of 3. I was still interested in diapers and baby toys after they potty trained me. My mom has a very bad sight, she’s blind. I had an amazing childhood, my parents are really loving and my mom had many moments that she saw a bit and knew what was going on.
I used to steal diapers from my cousins from when i was really young. So when i think about it I’ve always been a ‘Little’.
When i was around the age of 11 i bought my first Drynights/Pull-Ups. I’d remember wearing the stolen diapers form my cousins when i was around the age of 8 and that they made me feel really safe and comfy. So when i was 11 i thought: I wanna wear diapers again, so then i bought some. I bought some dry nights at our local store with some of my birthday money that i still had. I remember feeling so scared and embarrassed when i walked with them to the counter to pay for the pull-ups, all kinds of thoughts ruined through my head: ‘’What if someone who knows me bumps into me’’ what if someone is thinking that these diapers are mine’’ is anyone thinking that I’m gonna wear them’’. When i got home I run up the stairs into my room, i unpacked the Pull-ups and felt how soft they were. I stepped into them and when they were on i immediately felt safe, secure and protected. And then i wet them for the first time, and then I didn’t think of all the times I got bullied that day at school, or other problems and stress that came from school. These diapers could make me forget about all these problems and stress, or gave me a way to deal with them. After that i hide them in my room.

Then I turned 12 and I went to Middle School, I earned some money for helping the cafetaria. So now i had money to buy even more diapers, and this time Pampers cause i was still able to fit into them. Every Friday after school i went to our local store to buy them, with the same thoughts running trough my head from when i first bought some pull-ups, but i got more used every time i went to the store and less embarrassed.
On one evening when i was 13 years old, I had no diapers left. So i went downstairs, packed a bag and walked to my bike to go to the store. But then my mom asked: Where are you going sweetie? I said: ‘’Im just gonna go to the store mom to get some snacks for the weekend! When i got home with a full backpack of diapers my parents were wondering why my bag was so full, I said: ‘’oh It’s just some snacks, nothing else. Dad: ’’Let me see cause it looks like more then just snacks’’. Now my thoughts were going through my head; ‘’OMG he’s gonna find out my life is over. He opened the bag and saw the big pack of diapers. Dad: ‘’What are these for?’’ Now I was thinking: ‘’Maybe I should tell the truth, I’ve already lied so much and don’t know what to say now’’. So I told them. Mom Dad, i wear diapers sometimes, It’s a lifestyle where i go back to a certain time from my childhood to get relaxed and forget about all the bullying of school, and with that wearing and using diapers and dressing up like a toddler. I was crying my parents were confused, and now i was thinking that I’ve ruined my whole life. My parents didn’t fully understand this. my mom was really caring and asked more about this. Why are you doing this? Didn’t you have a good childhood with us? Are you unhappy? I said: ‘’No mom, you guys did an amazing job, I’ve had such a great childhood! I just like to wear them and act like a toddler. ‘’Ive seen a documentary about this, and I don’t want you to turn into those weirdos’’ my dad said. Dad indeed most of those documentaries are really bad, but believe me when i say that i still wanna be an adult, i still want to have kids later I just like to do this to relax. My mom said: ‘’But think of your career, i don’t think people will hire actors if they knew you did this. Cause all my life i wanted to sing, dance and act. I’ve played in many musicals as a kid and had many classes, I knew that one day I wanted to be a a performer on stage. But when my mom said that I began to thought: ‘’Maybe Mom is right, what if they get to know that i wear diapers and wont hire me for that? Mom: ‘’Lets throw these diapers and other things away but you can keep three, and if you really wanna wear them then you can but one day this needs to stop.
After a year of my parents throwing away my diapers, and me keep buying them secretly but then my parents finding out i bought diapers again, they came over me one day cause they wanted to talk.
Mom and dad walked into my room, ‘’hey sweetie, can we talk? Yes sure mom. ‘Okay we’ve been talking to the doctor and told her about your lifestyle, we thought it would be better to go to a therapist to talk about this and maybe to wipe away your ABDL. ‘’No I don’t want that, i like wearing them’’. But think of your future, we want you to have every opportunity in life. ‘’Maybe you guys are right’’. So that night we all agreed that it maybe would be better to go to a therapist.

The next week my therapy started, my parents were in therapy with me cause they wanted to understand this better. My therapist didn’t even know what ABDL/LittleSpace is, i had to explain everything to her. After that she wanted to treat my LittleSpace as an addiction, I had to be in rehab for this. She said that I could only have 4 diapers on the first month, 3 diapers on the second month, 2 diapers on the 4th and after that she said i wouldn’t have the temptation to wear any diapers anymore. Of course that didn’t work, because of this i got more depressive and i was loosing who i was. This therapy lasted 1,5 year until i realized: Why would I delete such a great part of who I am, and something that helps me so many times, so i went up to my parents and i said. Mom dad I’m sorry but I’m gonna stop this therapy, I’ve tried it but they’re turning me into someone I’m not, I’m proud of who i am. My LittleSpace is really innocent and many people all over the world do this. And really its not like I want to be just a baby, no I’m first and foremost an adult and i have my responsibilities. Just let me be who i am. And they reacted with: ‘’sure okay well we’ve tried, just do what you want. I felt so much freedom now that my parents know, i could do things that i ever dreamed of.

The first thing i did was ordering my first official ABDL diapers. I searched for a nice website and saw the Cushies and Kiddo diapers from ABU, i was immediately in love. But i didn’t have an online bank account yet, so I had to got to my mom asking if i could use hers. And the first thing she said was: ‘’Are you really gonna spend your money on that?’’ Me: ‘’Yes I am mom!’’. So at that moment i ordered my first ABDL diapers. It felt like years but after a few days the diapers got delivered to my house. The doorbell rang and i felt a rush of excitement running through my body. I opened the door, got the package and went into the living room. Hahaha i totally forgot out of excitement to open it in my room, but now i opened it int the same room where my parents were. This was hopefully the first step of them getting used to this side of me. I opened the package and i was amazed about how good they looked. My parents tried to ignore it but i didn’t care, i took them upstairs. When i got in my room i was so excited, i opened the pack i’d lay down on my bed and tried to put the Kiddo diaper on. When it was on i went to the mirror and looked at my reflection, finally i felt Little and protected.
It’s been years now since I’ve told my parents that i wanted to quit the therapy. Over the years they got more accepting and understanding. the second step of the getting more used, was when i kept everything that was related to my LittleSpace in room and respected their limits. But on one night when i was 15, i was in my room and wanted something to drink. So i went downstairs in just a diaper and t-shirt, i walked into the living room to get to the kitchen. My parents were sitting there, but i didn’t care and tried to be brave. So i said: ‘’I’m just gonna get a drink’’. they stared and said: ‘’Okay’’. I got back upstairs filled with excitement, I was able to be downstairs in just a diaper i was so happy! After doing this every week they got more use every time they saw me in a diaper. I was completely honest with them, i told them everything so they would be more accepting and used.
I had a girlfriend when i was 14-15 years old, she was an absolute amazing girl! She completely accepted me as a Little. She took care of me as well, breastfed me, changed my diaper, dressed me. And of course we had a lot of teenager dates as well. We did a lot together, going to the movies, had diner together. She was wonderful for being my mommy, we went on hikes together and i was just wearing a diaper and t-shirt and she would carry a diaper bag and changed me on the trail. She was an amazing mommy and girlfriend, but i realized right before i turned 16 that i was also interested in boys. It was something i tried to hide for years, but now i had to face it when i was watching High School Musical in my diaper and saw Zac Efron. I told her that i loved her very much but i had to discover boys and that part of me. She was sad of course that i broke up with her but she totally understood.
Over the years i had many boyfriends who accepted my ABDL. But for other reasons it never worked out. When i was 16 i also told my best friends that i was a Little. I wanted to tell them, because this was a huge part of my life and i wanted to be honest to them. They answered with: ‘’OMG now we finally see the real you, why didn’t you tell us sooner? We always felt that you were holding yourself in. Maxx we accept you for who you are, and we know you want act like a baby around us but if you need to talk about it then we are here for you’’.

It was such a relief that they accepted me, i choose a really great group of friends. I realize that I was very lucky that my parents and best friends accepted me for who i am. But i worked very hard for it, and a lot of times it wasn’t easy to be me. I just chose myself and i was brave. My parents got more accepted over the years, i just respected their limits and told them when something happened. I started a ABDL Instagram account when i was 17, till now I’ve reached over followers/Littles all over the world and inspired them to be themselves. When i tell my parents this they’re really proud.

A few months after i turned 18 i met my first Daddy, he was also ABDL and followed me on instagram. We texted and did a lot of role-play online, we got to know each other better and after a year of texting he decided to move to the Netherlands and study here, so he would be more closer to me. We did a lot of great things together, we went out in public as baby and daddy and not giving a f*ck about what anyone would say. We went to Amsterdam, i wore a nice onesie plus some cute short overalls with my pacifier clipped to it and a nice Cushies under it. He carried a cute diaper bag with him, with my huge Rearz safari bottle sticking out o the side. We walked besides the canals, we went to the wax museum and the Zoo. The zoo was the best part of the day, we saw a lot of animals, when we got to the elephants he even picked me up so i would see them better (he was strong enough to carry me sometimes) people gave us some strange looks but we didn’t care. A lot of people didn’t even notice cause they were busy with their own lives. when he put me down he noticed my diaper was full so he said: ‘’Sweetie let me check your diaper, yes you need a change’’. So he took me to the little restaurant of the zoo and asked to an employee ‘’Where is the diaper changing area? My boy needs a fresh diaper’’. OMG i was so embarrassed even after all my bravery today i was still very embarrassed. “Sure it’s over there’’ said the employee girl with an understanding look. We had to walk by a line of mommies waiting to change their babies, we walked to the special needs bathroom and he put me down on the floor. He popped my paci in my mouth, took down my pants, opened my diaper and said ‘’Oh its just wet, let’s get you changed’’. When he was finished we walked by the mommies who looked a bit confused. We saw a lot of animals, when we were in front of the gorillas i asked ‘’Daddy I’m thirsty !’’. Okay sweetie here’s your bottle. We set down on a bench and he gave me my Rearz bottle. No one didn’t really notice, cause a lot of people were busy with their own lives and children. So it felt really amazing to be myself in public and feeling Little and not scared. When we were going through the exit daddy even got me a cute wolf plushie from the giftshop. That whole day was amazing.
We finished that day with a nice drink in a bar next to the Anne Frank House. I got a nice warm cup of chocolate and daddy got a nice glass of red whine. I didn’t had to poop that whole day, but when i finished my coco i felt something going on in my belly. So i said: ‘’Daddy i need to make a poo poo’’. He said ‘’Sweetie theres no place to change you here, and all of the public changing areas are closed, so can you make it to the potty downstairs like a big boy?’’. Sure daddy, so i went downstairs, but halfway i couldn’t hold it in any longer and it just rushed out of me. My face turned red and i went back upstairs to tell daddy. ‘’Uhm daddy, i didn’t make it, i made a poopy in my diaper’’. Oh Jesus you’re such a baby my daddy said. He payed for the drinks and we went back outside, we rushed to the train station to get the train home, cause there was no place to change me and it would be very disrespectful to change my messy diaper in public where everyone can see. When we were on the train and the smell spread through the wagon. People were confused where it came from. We got home in 40 minutes and daddy changed me the second we entered the bedroom, he put me down on the changing mats that we bought one day and took down my pants and open my diaper. He was used to my dirty diapers but this was a huge mess that i saved up a couple days till it came out in the restaurant. I feel so little when he changes me, he finished changing me. Now he made me ready for bed and dressed me in my pajamas and put me in bed. He popped a pacifier in my mouth and gave me a goodnight kiss. This was one the most amazing days I’ve ever had in my entire life. And i still thank him for that.

We have done amazing things together, went to amazing places. But on December 22 i decided to brake up with him. I loved him very much as a daddy and best friend, but we both hoped for more then that. But unfortunately i couldn’t give that to him, so i had to say goodbye to one of the most beautiful people in my life. He understood this and we had a nice goodbye.
It’s been 8 years now since my coming out as being ABDL. It was a hard and long way to get where i am now. I risked many relationships with people that i care about by telling them this part of my life. Now I’m at the point that i can wear just my diaper and t-shirt around my parents,sitting with them on the couch in just my onesie watching tv. And i can talk about stuff that happens in my life. My mom is washing my onesies, my dad is totally understanding to. I have all my friends having my back and made some amazing ABDL friends lately who are also really brave with being Little outside. I reached a lot of followers and inspired many, and thats what i will keep doing, inspiring people to be themselves. I’ll never stop being who i am and being proud of it. I learned that there will always be people who judge me for who i am. Judging me for being gay, for doing Drag and for wearing diapers. If i would listing to everyones judgments then i would turn out very unhappy and depressed, so why would i listen to people who hold me back from being happy. There are plenty of people left who know what i feel and who are left out to. Those people matter to me not those who wont accept me. I choose myself, choose yourself. Do what makes you happy, live how you want to live. You know the best what makes you happy not your parents not total strangers but you. Think about what matter sin life and find people who accept you for who you are. I found them, so i believe that you will too.

Be Proud, Be Brave and Be Yourself. sincerely Maxx/Owen


Hi Max, ik ken je ook op Insta geloof ik maar dank voor deze inblik en hat geven van moed zichzelf te zijn aan zo veel anderen.

Ik vind altijd de spreuk wees jezelf er zijn al zo veel anderen vaak passend. Ik ben blij voor je dat je aangekomen ben aan dit punt van acceptatie van jezelf en ook bij de mensen om je heen, inclusief je ouder geaccepteerd bent. Een echte succes story zou ik zeggen :)



Little Endy

Sayori the shy Enderman :3 (he/they)
Ik ken jou inderdaad ook van Instagram, en ik vind dat je dit heel goed geschreven hebt! Ook prijs ik jouw ouders voor zo ruimdenkend zijn over je kleine zelf, zij het wel in babystapjes geweest voor hen, maar toch.
Laat inderdaad niemand je neerhalen, bekritiseren of iets anders negatiefs aan je doen, simpelweg omdat je jezelf bent in allerlei opzichten. Ik heb hier zelf nog steeds redelijke moeite mee, maar verhalen als de jouwe zijn zeker bronnen van inspiratie voor methodes van zelfverbetering hierin.
Tenslotte wil ik graag zeggen dat het ontdekken van jezelf altijd iets goeds is. Blijf vooral verder ontdekken in alle bedenkbare opzichten, er zijn zoveel vissen en ijsbergen in de zee!

-Sayori :)
Hi Max, ik ken je ook op Insta geloof ik maar dank voor deze inblik en hat geven van moed zichzelf te zijn aan zo veel anderen.

Ik vind altijd de spreuk wees jezelf er zijn al zo veel anderen vaak passend. Ik ben blij voor je dat je aangekomen ben aan dit punt van acceptatie van jezelf en ook bij de mensen om je heen, inclusief je ouder geaccepteerd bent. Een echte succes story zou ik zeggen :)


Wat lief dankjewel!!!!
Ik ken jou inderdaad ook van Instagram, en ik vind dat je dit heel goed geschreven hebt! Ook prijs ik jouw ouders voor zo ruimdenkend zijn over je kleine zelf, zij het wel in babystapjes geweest voor hen, maar toch.
Laat inderdaad niemand je neerhalen, bekritiseren of iets anders negatiefs aan je doen, simpelweg omdat je jezelf bent in allerlei opzichten. Ik heb hier zelf nog steeds redelijke moeite mee, maar verhalen als de jouwe zijn zeker bronnen van inspiratie voor methodes van zelfverbetering hierin.
Tenslotte wil ik graag zeggen dat het ontdekken van jezelf altijd iets goeds is. Blijf vooral verder ontdekken in alle bedenkbare opzichten, er zijn zoveel vissen en ijsbergen in de zee!

-Sayori :)
Hartstikke lief en inderdaad wees jezelf! En alles hoeft niet in 1 dag geaccepteerd en goed te zijn dat is een groeiproces en hopelijk kom je ooit op een moment dat je je volledig goed voelt over wie je bent ❤

Cyril Archambault

Frans-Nederlandse luierliefhebber
Hallo Maxx,

Ik heb je laatst, geloof ik, nog gezien in dat filmpje van "Spuiten en slikken", waarin je sprak over jouw ABDL-ervaringen. Ik vind het heel goed van jou dat je er zo open over durft te zijn en dat het je niets kan schelen wat anderen hiervan zeggen. Wees jezelf, geloof in jezelf, wees trouw aan jezelf, wees dapper voor jezelf en wees trots op jezelf.

"Cyril Archambault"


Luiers zijn geweldig!!!
Hallo Maxx/Owen,

Je levensverhaal tot nu toe met veel belangstelling en met een alsmaar stijgend respect gelezen.
Ongelofelijk dapper ben je. Je vastberadenheid om te kunnen uiten en zijn wie je bent getuigt van grote moed en persoonlijkheid.

Hoewel niet helemaal hetzelfde heb ik toch in mijn jeugd dezelfde gevoelens gehad. Maar het was nogal een verschil qua tijd waarin we beiden zijn opgegroeid. In mijn tijd had nog nooit iemand van internet gehoord. Ik heb (net als velen in die tijd) heel lang gedacht dat ik de enige was
die dit voelde. Het heeft me jaren van neerslachtigheid en eenzaamheid gekost. Vaak alles weggedaan om vervolgens weer opnieuw ermee te beginnen. Je kent de verhalen ongetwijfeld.

Uiteindelijk met internet de weg wel gevonden naar zelfacceptatie. Maar nooit heb ik het aan mijn ouders of familie verteld.
Nu nog niet. Ben nu alleenstaand maar heb wel kinderen (22 en 18) die het ook gewoon niet weten.
Maar het verdwijnt niet. Ook nu geniet ik nog nagenoeg elke dag van een luier en wat erbij hoort.
Ik woon nu al behoorlijke tijd weer alleen.
Naarmate ik ouder werd vond ik ook de Daddyrol en Caregiving erg leuk worden.
Daarnaast bied ik al ruime tijd een veilge en vertrouwde plek aan jonge jongen en meisjes die thuis totaal geen mogelijkheden hebben
om hier hun eerste luierervaringen op te doen. UITERAARD zonder enige vorm van bijbedoelingen laat dat duidelijk zijn!
IK zie dat een beetje als een soort van plicht omdat ik zelf die gelegenheid nooit gehad heb en dat zo erg vond dat ik dat
nergens kon beleven op een veilige manier.

Je verhaal maakt me erg blij...zo mooi om te lezen hoe je er voor gevochten hebt om te zijn wie je nu bent.

Een hele dikke knuffel en aai over je bol......het is in een woord geweldig.
Blijf zo...altijd!

Groetjes, J.
Wat een bijzonder verhaal en inderdaad daarom ben ik blij dat ik in deze generatie geboren ben. Hopelijk zijn het wel meerderjarigen die je thuis uitnodigt. Mooi streven en goed dat je alsnog naast je gezinsleven jezelf kan zijn ❤
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